Book your Tanzania safari!
Book your dream vacation now!
A Tanzania vacation is the ultimate once-in-a-lifetime holiday! Tanzania is a top safari destination and has so much to offer. You can choose to experience an amazing Tanzania safari or relax at the world’s most beautiful beaches on Zanzibar Island. Or did you always dream about climbing Kilimanjaro? We are the Tanzania Specialist for a reason: we offer the most extensive range of Tanzania vacation! You can choose one of our popular Tanzania itineraries or build your own trip exactly on the way you love it. Let us know which national parks and islands you like and we will design the perfect Tanzania vacation for you.
Hundreds of travelers have traveled with Serengeti Joy Tours and we are very happy that each of them has had an unforgettable experience. Take time to read traveler reviews on Tripadvisor and look at the pictures they’ve made during their Tanzania vacation. Book your Tanzania vacation with Serengeti Joy Tours and experience all the benefits. We have our own office and team in Arusha. This enables us to arrange and oversee your entire journey from start to finish. Our team consists of expats and local that love the country and know much about the culture. We guarantee the best prices and quality for your Tanzania vacation. See you soon in Tanzania!
Why choose Serengeti Joy?
The expert with in-depth knowledge
- 100% specialized in Tanzania
- Travel advisors who live in Tanzania
- Personalized service, from booking to on-site support
- Private safaris, dedicated vehicles and guides for top-notch service
- Guarantee for an amazing safari experience
- Approachable and quick response
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Embark on an unforgettable journey through Tanzania with Serengeti Joy Tours. Our past travelers confirm: it’s an unforgettable experience. Come aboard for a remarkable journey through this beautiful country.
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EXCELLENT Based on 89 reviews JindraCh2024-10-29Verified Nezapomenutelné safari / Amazing game driving Když jsme letos (2024) na jaře začali plánovat naši 12ti denní individuální říjnovou safari cestu po severní Tanzanii, narazili jsme na skvělé stránky Serengeti Joy Tours v češtině a českého ambasadora této tanzanské agentury, pana Kočvaru. Měli jsme specifické požadavky, co se týče itineráře, typu ubytování, délky pobytu v jednotlivých parcích i organizace cesty. Komunikace a hledání nejvhodnějšího způsobu pro naplnění našich představ probíhalo naprosto hladce a už během této fáze si svým efektivním a pozitivním přístupem, ze kterého byla poznat velká zkušenost, získal pan Kočvara naši důvěru. S našim průvodcem Alphonsem jsme potom prožili nezapomenutelných 12 dnů v 5 národních parcích a viděli snad vše, co příroda v této části světa může nadšenému pozorovateli nabídnout. Pěší safari „téměř na dotyk“ žiraf a buvolů v Arusha, leopardy pod majestátními baobaby v Tarangire, přechod stád pakoňů přes řeku Mara v Serengeti nebo lva lovícího zebru v Ngorongoro. Alphonse byl nejenom vynikající řidič ale i průvodce, a prakticky vše, co jsme si vždy večer vytkli za cíl pro následující den, tak se nám podařilo dosáhnout. Během naší více než 2.000 km dlouhé cesty se maximálně snažil potenciálním problémům předcházet a pokud přece jenom nějaký nastal, bravurně ho vyřešil. Celý program proběhl podle domluveného itineráře s organizací podle evropského nikoli afrického času 😉 Agentura zajišťovala veškeré služby, počínaje vyzvednutím na letišti v Arusha a naší dopravou na stejné místo na konci našeho putování. Veškeré ubytování a poskytovaný servis naprosto naplnil (a v některých případech i předčil) naše očekávání. Všechny doporučené kempy, i ty uvnitř NP, byly provozovány na vysoké úrovni, ať již po stránce provozní, technické nebo hygienické. Po naší zkušenosti můžeme Serengeti Joy Tours doporučil kterémukoli zájemci o profesionálně odvedené služby v této části Afriky, s velkým důrazem na spokojenost a naplnění přání klienta. --------------------------------------This spring (2024) when we started planning our 12-day individual October safari trip in northern Tanzania, we found a great website of Aserengeti Joy Tours in czech language and met the Czech ambassador of this Tanzanian agency, Mr. Kočvara. We had specific requirements in terms of itinerary, type of accommodation, length of stay in each park and organisation of the trip. The communication and the search for the most suitable approach to fulfill our wishes went absolutely smoothly, and already during this phase Mr. Kočvara gained our trust with his efficient and positive approach, from which we could see a lot of experience. Then, with our guide Alphonse, we spent an unforgettable 12 days in 5 national parks, seeing perhaps everything that nature in this part of the world has to offer the keen observer. A walking safari "almost touching" giraffes and buffalo in Arusha, leopards under the majestic baobab trees in Tarangire, herds of wildebeest crossing the Mara River in the Serengeti or lions hunting zebra in Ngorongoro. Alphonse was not only an excellent driver but also an excellent guide, and almost everything we had always set as a goal for the following day was achieved. During our 2,000+ km journey, he did his best to prevent potential problems, and if any did arise, he solved them brilliantly. The whole program was according to the agreed itinerary with organization by European not African perception of time😉. The agency provided all the services, starting with picking us up at the airport in Arusha and transporting us to the same place at the end of our trip. All accommodation and service provided absolutely met (and in some cases exceeded) our expectations. All the recommended campsites, even those within the NP, were run to a high standard, whether operationally, technically or hygienically. After our experience, we can recommend Serengeti Joy Tours to any interested party for a professionally done service in this part of Africa, with great emphasis on client satisfaction and fulfillment. Vaclav S2024-09-02Verified Kilimanjaro and safaris with Serengeti Joy Tours work reliably V srpnu 2024 nám Serengeti Joy Tours připravila na klíč výstup na Kilimandžáro cestou Lemosho (8 dní) a krátký výlet na safari (NP Tarangire 1 den). Služby zahrnovaly i dopravu z a poté na letiště JRO, ubytování v hotelu před a po skončení programu, samozřejmě průvodcovský a podpůrný tým zajišťující výstup národním parkem Kilimandžáro, stanování, stravování a další související služby. Doslova vše fungovalo spolehlivě, bezpečně a včas. Všechny termíny byly dodrženy, všechno jsme absolvovali dle dohodnutého plánu. Lidé ze Serengeti Joy Tours, s nimiž jsme přišli do styku, byli vstřícní a profesionální, bylo vidět, že mají jednak zkušenost a jednak snahu poskytnout takové služby, které umožní vychutnat si mimořádný výlet do exotiky, ať jde o vysokohorský trek a výstup nebo o návštěvu safari. In August 2024 Serengeti Joy Tours prepared for us a climb to Kilimanjaro (Lemosho route 8 days) and a short safari trip (Tarangire NP 1 day). Services included transport from and then to JRO airport, hotel accommodation before and after the program, of course a guide and support team providing the climb through Kilimanjaro National Park, camping, meals and other related services. Literally everything worked reliably, safely and on time. All deadlines were met, and we completed everything according to the agreed plan. The people from Serengeti Joy Tours with whom we came into contact were friendly and professional, it was obvious that they had both the experience and the drive to provide the kind of service that would allow us to enjoy an extraordinary trip to the exotic, whether it be a high mountain trek or a safari visit. Tomas2024-08-05Verified Kilimanjaro Rongai route + Safari With Joy Tours we enjoyed our 6 days climbing on Kilimajaro via Rongai route & 4 days safari tour in Tarangire, Serengeti & Ngorongoro crater n.p.Both tours were very well organized and prepared. The agency proofed its ability for its flexibility as our start of climbing was postponed due to delayed arrival of my rucksack and Angelica was helpful with recommendation of hotel for unexpected night in Dar es Salaam.All members of the team (guides, chef, porters, drivers) were just perfect & we had a lot of fun with them when climbing or during safari.I want to highlight the cooking skills of Peter, our chef during our climb. Amazing, how delicious food he can prepare in such a mountain conditions.Tanzania left an impression on me as beautiful country with nice & friendly people, beautiful nature, and wildlife. The great merit for that has the perfect service and cooperation of amazing company director Angelica & her professional staff.With my friends we can highly recommend the company as their services were just perfect and we would go with them again. Kristýna M2024-07-25Verified Kilimanjaro - 7day Lemosho route + safari Climbed Kilimanjaro via 7day Lemosho route. Trip to Materuni waterfall with coffee growing/processing and wonderfull local lunch before. Everything was well organized, all team was friendly and helpful. Food was very tasty and various.After hike - 3day safari - driver/guide was also very helpful. Nice experience.Highly recommended especially for czech klients - they have czech speaking representative - Mr.Kocvara - big thanks to him as well. We can recommend this company. Václav M2024-07-13Verified Mt. Meru hike & Safari We went with Joy Tours to 4 days Mt. Meru hike and 7 days Safari. Everything was very well ogranized. Our guides and support team was professional and friendly. Experience and servis exceeded our expectations. I can highly recommend Joy Tours to everyone. morocco i2024-02-26Verified Beautiful nature, great team, great experience. A perfectly organized seven-day climb to Kilimanjaro via the Rongai route. Thanks to the great guide and the whole team for the great conditions and support during the ascent. Then a great 3 day safari in Tarangire, Ngorongoro and Laky Manyara. Everything was well furnished, no problems. I warmly recommend! Jan S2024-02-14Verified Amazing safari. Beautiful nature, diverse in every park. Animals in a large number of species and countless numbers I went on a shared safari alone where I met new friends from different countries. The driver and guide in one person was great, friendly and professional. He was able to give us an explanation of local nature or animals, how they live, etcwe saw beautiful nature in different national parks and many many species of animals in really huge numbers. We visited the Maasai village, where we learned about the life and traditions of the Maasai. People living in Tanzania, including in the national parks are nice and welcoming. in the camps where we camped, they cooked excellently, coffee was prepared for us even at 4 o'clock in the morning, really great staff. You never know what kind of surprise you will get, whether in the camp or in nature, but you have to experience it yourself. You will never forget such a safari, I highly recommend it Kateřina T2024-01-30Verified KILIMANJARO + SAFARI An excellently organized climb to Kilimanjaro via the Marangu route. After successfully reaching the summit 3 days on safari Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Manyara lake - impeccable organization, including accommodation. I recommend!!! Monika S2024-01-20Verified Trip to Kilimanjaro 7 days Machame rout Thank you for beautifull experience on 7days trip to Kilimanjaro with your company. The guides and all from our group care about us absolutely amazing. We spend 7 amazing days full of happines . I’m so happy I choose your company. Ladislav B2023-10-13Verified the service level is very good. communication and pleasant staff Hiking on the summit of Kili was amazing and with Serengeti Joy Tours it was comfortable and well organized.